Welcome to Woody's Home
Hi! You should know my name alreay. If you don't, then you are disturbing me, and I should send you to my secondary web site located in another world to meet with alien because you are qualified as a second class human. As an old student I suggest that education is no longer needed in the United States of America, as long as Bill J. Clinton is still a President, because of his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Chinese, regardless of male of female, bearing PRC passport or BN(O) or other nation's passport should be sent to miltitary training because we have to prepare for the sudden attack of the "wise" and "supreme" America.
So, can you tell me something about yourself? When you are surfing, be careful not to get into somewhere you are not supposed to be, since I'll make your system fail(no wonder I am an expert and also a hacker, hee hee......)
Things about me, including my picture albums, my car's salon, interest, etc.
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